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Upgrading a Reconmap instance

Incremental upgrade

This is the upgrade path on instances where you have data and you want to preserve it (99% of the cases).

Run the following commands on the directory where you have your docker-compose.yml.

docker-compose pull # Download latest version of the docker images
docker-compose down # Stop and remove any containers
docker-compose up -d # Build containers and start them
docker-compose run --entrypoint /usr/bin/php api /var/www/webapp/src/Cli/app.php database:migrate-schema # Perform any database migration

Destructive upgrade

CAUTION: This method will destroy all existing data. Do not proceed with these instructions unless you don't mind losing everything that exists in the Reconmap database.

docker-compose pull # Download latest version of the docker images
docker-compose down -v # Stop and remove any containers and volumes
rm -rf data-mysql # Remove MySQL data directory
docker-compose up -d # Build containers and start them