Vulnerability list
The vulnerabilities view lists all the vulnerabilities that were reported by the user or the system (eg automatically after parsing results).
The vulnerabilities list allows presents the following information:
|Summary|Short description of the vulnerability|
|Description|First words from the longer vulnerability description|
|Risk|None, Low, Medium, High, Critical|
|CVSS Score|Common Vulnerability Score System value|
|Category|One of 'Access Controls', 'Auditing and Logging', 'Authentication', 'Configuration', ...|
|Status|- Open (reported, unresolved)
- Confirmed (unexploited, exploited)
- Resolved (remediated, mitigated)
- Closed (remediated, mitigated, rejected)|
|Date/Time|Date and time when the vulnerabilty was reported|
From this view you can view more details about each vulnerability or delete them if they are no longer applicable.